Monday, June 2, 2008

Blurbs from Brooklyn

We made it down to NYC over the weekend. It was great to visit with our friends, the Komenda's and check out the Natural History Museum. We got caught in a thunderstorm and had big adventures on the subways. It definitely made the weekend fly by way too fast. Our one casualty was a lone flip flop Noah dropped out of the stroller. If you ever come across a tiny tan flip flop in the Natural History Museum in New York, send it our way:).


The Jones--trying to keep up said...

Sweet pictures!! How come I can't think of any cool pictures like that?! I need to meet some good photographers out here in Texas--we need a family photo update in a bad way! It looks like you're having fun and that your little baby is growing.:) Keep it up!

Lynn said...

cool camera technique! what is that? it doesn't quite look like the holga is it a lense thing?

and i hate it when a shoe is lost out of the stroller. we're still looking for a blue croc in san diego, a pink croc in maryland and a purple princess shoe in hawaii...