Sunday, August 31, 2008

A few of my favorite things

Mormon night at FenwayWe got discounted tickets to a Red Sox game on Saturday night through our Church. Josh invited his whole lab and his Uncle Mike and fam. We had sooo much fun. The kids got loaded up on Fenway franks and cotton candy. Noah sang along during the 7th inning stretch to "take me out to the ball game"... A perfect ending to an awesome summer.

Seeing old Friends and making new ones.
Amy(Gueck) Webb was in town and I found out that someone in my ward was a friend of hers as well. We all hung out and it was fun to see all the ways we were connected in the past, reminisce, and laugh about mommy stories and silly college drama.

Birthday Presents
Noah and PK were invited to a birthday party. I love picking out the present and wrapping it all cute. I am slowly building up a wrapping paper collection:).

The fam
Charleston Chew is laughing and smiling now. It keeps us all entertained. Check out that hair!

My kids' buddies
I hear sounds like "Rangers, power up!" and "with the power of the tiger, I am the red ranger" ringing through my halls. The little kid giggles and whipers are so cute. Mind you, all these sounds are much more appreciated now that I have discovered that if I let Charlie nap in my room he doesn't wake up at every loud noise. Ah ha...

1 comment:

Lynn said...

i love all of your little names for charlie...