Tuesday, November 5, 2013

3 months old

 My big girl is three months old now!! I can't believe it. I want to congratulate Mabes and myself for getting through what I think is the hardest part of the baby stage: the newborn phase.

At three months old things are easier because:
  • You sleep 5 hours straight through the night
  • We figured out how to soothe you when you are fussy better. You haven't even been very fussy lately anyways.
  • You have three big naps in the day.
  • You have gained weight successfully and seem to be such an efficient eater. You fill up your tummy in five minutes!
  • Now your movements are slowly getting more fluid. You have discovered your hands and feet and reach for those toes when you lay on your back. You also examine your little hands just a few seconds before trying to fit a whole fist in your mouth!
  • You love locking eye contact with people. You smile and laugh every time. 
  • You have noticed your reflection in the mirror and I think you like what you see! hee hee. 

Mabelina, Mabes, Mabie Baby, Mae, Monkey, Mabeline, and Madame M are your current nicknames. My favorite part of the day is being the first person you see when you wake up in the morning. Your whole face lights up when you see me and you kick those little legs like crazy. You are the love of our lives and we still fight over who gets to hold you.


ellen said...

Love those chubby legs!

Heather said...

She is adorable! Love the headband too!