Thursday, July 14, 2011

Noah is Eight!

Another Plant birthday has come and gone. Two down, one to go. We went simple for Noah's birthday this year as well. We plan to have a celebration in Utah with all the cousins in a few weeks. We first headed to the store so that Noah could pick out a donut breakfast, ice cream to go with his birthday cake, and two "Diary of a Whimpy Kid" books. Noah has read the whole series three times since school let out. We have two of the books held hostage from the library as we speak! 
We let Noah be in charge of the day's meals and activities. It's cute to see how the siblings are actually willing to cater to this for eachother. Noah chose to spend a huge chunk of the day at the park by his school. The kids played in the sand, climbed and ran through sprinkers for three hours! Then his buddy took him to lunch at McDonalds where Noah can proudly scarf down a whole big mac in no time.
 For dinner, Noah requesed pizza from Dominoes (we had quite the day of high sodium, sugar, fat, etc.--fun stuff! )Then we opened presents and played with them for an hour before cake and ice cream. Noah got soccer gear and a game.
So glad he's been reading so much this summer all on his own. 
My little clown. His humor genuinely makes me laugh. I'm sure he would have been one of my good buddies as a kid. Happy birthday Noah! So proud of the amazing things you do. Maybe I should list some:
  1. You tell me I'm a great chef and try to convince your siblings to eat their dinner.
  2. You are super competitive and have a passion for any game you play.
  3. You are known as a good guy to be friends with. The teacher encouraged kids in your class who were shy to be your friend because you were so accepting of people.
  4. You are FUNNY! When you get in silly mode, you say some hilarious stuff. I need to video tape it more.
  5. You are a hard worker. I never saw a kid try so hard in swim lessons as you did.
  6. You are so creative. You come up with incredible stories and ideas for inventions.
  7. You are so smart! I can't believe how much info you absorb when I think you're not even paying attention!
  8. You are a great (and pesky) big brother. You read to Charlie at night and keep your siblings entertained.
  9.  You are a great leader. You seemed to have the capacity to get your whole class to pay attention to the NFL stats last fall and then you started a huge Lego men obsession in your class.
  10. You are a good person. Never malicious and always having good intentions. 

Also, I have a new internet guilty pleasure:
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