Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Remember when...

I am under strict orders by the hubs to update so he doesn't have to see that freaky psychadelic photo anymore! OK. Sadly a certain little angel has once again chewed my USB cord so I can't upload new photos! Ahh to someday have a personal office/studio space...
Until then, you are in luck because I am going through photos of 2007 to make photo books and ohh the cuteness. It sadness my how much I forget from the past! I'm so glad I have these photos to remind me of my tiny darlings. These are all pre- Charlie era. You see enough of his mug anyways, though right? :)

I can't believe how much they have changed, I had a tough day today with PK. She is just wanting to do all the housework right with me and do it without help. I had to have her out of the way for a few minutes so I could work with something hot and she was so upset. I think she is the queen of drama in the afternoons. Just the princess of drama in the mornings. It was a relief to have her sleeping soundly in her bed tonight. Then I go downstairs to get to the laundry and see the PK has neatly folded towels and socks and sorted underwear perfectly all by herself! Man she's a keeper! Drama and all!


michelle said...

Awww... I especially love that first pic of you and pk.

AZ Mommy said...

I loved that psychedelic picture of PK!! :0)
Oh btw, I've vickytommy from Xanga!

Nicol Clark said...

Oh wow - I can't even believe how much they've grown up!!! Those cute little kiddos. :)

I loved from the last post how much Presley liked hearing Josh speak highly of you - beautiful and precious. I think kids can never get enough of seeing and hearing about their parents' admiration and love for each other. :)