Thursday, February 20, 2014


Our little Mabeloo is 6 months now. I am late posting this, but we are still under 7 months atleast! 

  • Mabes weighed over 18 pounds at her check up.
  • She has two bottom teeth
  • she can sit up pretty well and roll with ease.
  • Mabel hates putting her hands in sleeves to get dressed
  • Mabel keeps experimenting with new sounds: she says "geee" a lot lately less of "dada" and is figuring out sounds of scratching her nails of upholstery and banging things on her highchair.
  • Mabel is eating solids 1-2 times a day, we are working up to 3. Her faves are sweet potatoes and peaches at the moment.
  • Mabel is a pleasant baby and is mainly a morning person. We take her to the gym with us from 6-7 am where she sleeps in her carseat the whole time.
On our minds lately is the upcoming birth of a buddy, cousin for Mabes. Molly Rose is going to come this Monday the 24th and Annalee is prepping for the big day. Molly's heart developed incorrectly so the moments after her birth will be critical. The whole family has been fasting praying, and going to the temple with Molly in mind.Molly has brought us all closer. We are praying that she survives and thrives. When Mabel and I make wishes on loose eyelashes, we wish for Molly to be Mabel's best friend someday. We know it is in the Lord's hands.

1 comment:

robin marie said...

Asher has been obsessed with scratching EVERYTHING for the past month! Glad to hear he's not alone!

Sending prayers your family's way for your niece!