Charlie is three months old now and is wearing mostly 6-9 month old clothes. He is gigglng a lot now with peek-a-boo, and knee bounces. He loves being bouncesd around. It's cute to watch him examine your face and see his little smile appear as you come into focus. I have to be real careful because he is almost rolling. He's 75% of the way there. The best word to describe his pudgy little frame is squishy. Charlie is so fun to hold because he is a cuddler and just so sturdy and happy. He still loves baths and all the attention he gets when we change his diaper. Especially if he already has a fun belly. When he is hungry he gives us the two minute warning of cries and then he really lets out the screams. He knows how to get mom and dad scrambling!:)
oh i LOVE these pictures!! look at his cute smiles! he is so chubby and healthy looking...so cute. i think baby boys in overhauls are so stinkin darling. ironically i never bought any for max when he was little?!
you need to blow these up and frame them in your house. the last pic looks like your other kids so much.
did i just type overhauls? ! lol!
my mind is mush i tell you. complete mush.
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