Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Splendid Day

Today we went to the aquarium in Boston for the first time. I never go because it costs an arm and a leg and is one of the few things here that residents can't get a discount on. My friend, Leslie offered to take us with her pass and I was stoked. It was an outing I knew Charlie would thoroughly enjoy. Charlie loves fish or "besh" he calls them and is always thrilled to see any wild life in person.
So serious! He makes these Tom Brokaw eyes when he's concentrating.
I don't know why but I think it is so cute to see Charlie surrounded by little guys that are just his height. They all look like mini big kids forming a posse. I'm so glad he has a handful of little buddies his exact age who live around us.
Sure it's FREEZING, but we love it here!

Here is the view looking down into an enormous tank. There was a huge sea turtle and a shark at the bottom. Such a fun day. We came home and Charlie kept talking about the "besh" and telling me it was fun. He always makes sure to tell me if he thinks something's fun. A bonus was that I think seeing that sea turtle eat some romaine helped me to coerce Charlie into eating some salad for dinner tonight. Yay for something healthy before dessert.


Heather said...

Such a fun day! I didn't even know there is an aquarium in Boston. What a great city!

Leslie said...

Are those boys handsome or what?