Wanna know a secret? I never call my twin sister by her name, Denise. Never have, never will. It feels weird to even try to say it. She is "Sis". Actually I am "Sis" too. We both call each other sis. All my friends, family, and our husbands can verify. It's kind of embarrassing at times and kind of funny.
As you probably have guessed we are pretty close. We talk almost every day excluding the weekends. We ichat and let our kids visit and show each other our current projects. The best thing, is we mom together. All moms need a little moral support don't ya think? Both of us have three kids (it's a twin thing! ha!). We swap tips on snacks, discipline, and fun activities.We also come up with our own mom philosophies. The number one thing we both agree on in our 6-7 years of parenting is Never Judge Other Parents! (Of course unless it is a crazy mom that made headlines on how she reacted when her kids mouthed off--scary!) Seriously. I believe it's just a matter of time till your kid does the same thing as another unruly kid and you have no idea how to handle the situation--wait, maybe you guys out there actually do have it all figured out?? :) I admit I've had the thought, "my child will never do such and such." Then lo and behold he or she does it! I think part of my "be nicer" campaign is to cut other moms some slack. We are all learning and we're all in this together. Might as well uplift instead of tear down. Thank goodness I have "Sis" (and she has "Sis") to discuss all our bumbling mommy moments!
Check out Sis' project for Valentine's day on her table to the left!
that's funny - my mission companion and i have always been 'sis' to each other like that also (not same as being twins, of course) and sometimes in public people give us funny looks but i don't even think about it.
and i agree -- you really can't judge other parents. i try not to and i hate feeling like other people are judging my parenting (or talking about it behind my back)
It's true, every sis needs a sis! I'm just lucky I have the one I have. I think any other sis would have run away from me screaming! You're the best!
You didn't mention that your parents also called you "Sis" growing up. That's my favorite part of the story.
Oh, how I miss you two!
And I agree about the not judging thing. I have thought so much about that in my short 19 months as a mom.
Also, I am sitting right now looking at your birthday present that has been sitting on my table for a while now. It has been a crazy month but I will send it soon. Sorry for being such a slacker friend!
it's fun to read how close you are with your sister. i have a similar relationship with mine. i love that you call her "sis". i call my sister inny. it's so weird, it started when we were little. i never call her by her name either! she is my only "real" sibling so we are super tight too. call each other every day. it's nice to hear you have that too! i think it makes us extra special and blessed.
And because you are each "sis" it makes me feel like I can never refer to the other by name in the company of one of you. It is "your sister." I love the video chat. Can you do three way video chat?? : )
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