Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trick or Treat! (east coast style)

We trick or treated in our neighborhood for about 45 minutes. It was a chilly evening. You wouldn't know by Josh's flip flops! He would up stepping in an icy puddle, I felt so bad.
I love our neighborhood. Trick or treating is an excuse for Josh and I to check out all the amazing homes. It was also a nice treat that the people answering the doors weren't stuffy richies, but fun, nice neighbors.
One house actually set up a little candy shop with bins you could shovel all sorts of candy into your take out box. It was so fun for the kids. This was over on Irving St. where Julia Child had her Cambridge residence. Cool, cool.


SewSara said...

are you kidding? that little house with take-out boxes??

can i come to boston for halloween next year? those homes are so picturesque!

always love your updates :)

Retro Plants said...

how cool is that Candy House!
what a nice thing to do for the tots on Halloween. . . pretty awesome!

we only trick or treated for a short while too!
it got SOOOOO cold just in time for the weekend :)

Paige said...

Love these pictures of our old neighborhood -- it really makes me miss it and our awesome friends there.