Saturday, August 15, 2015

Mabel turned 2!

Mabel has been such a shining star in our family. It feels like yesterday that we sat the kids down in our front room and asked them if they wanted another baby in the family. The answer was a unanimous and enthusiastic YES!!!! We made the decision and celebrated by going to Village Inn for dinner! Noah, Presley, and Charlie got to participate in the ultra sound and watched my belly grow and grow. Charlie cried when he found out it wasn't going to be a baby brother!! This year he has continually told Mabel that he is glad that she is who she is. He just loves watching over her. Mabel is not only an awesome gal, but she brings out the awesome in all of us!

At this point in Mabel's life she is doing so many cute things. She has been learning so much this summer. She says tons of words and is saying a few 2 word sentences like "Thank you", "Please Mom", "Love you", etc. Her response to a lot of questions is a cheerful "Okay" instead of yes. Mabel is super into stuffed animals ansd baby dolls. She loves to load as many toys as possible in her arms. Mabel loves to pretend she is sleeping and giggles when you "fall for it".

Mabel is a big milk drinker and loves her ba ba! She naps and sleeps super well in her crib. She is our most scheduled child! When Mabel runs around, her head is super sweaty. She is the baldest of our babies and we are waiting on pins and needles waiting for that whispy hair to come in!

Mabel is the perfect book end to our family, we just adore her to pieces!

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